
Admission Process for 2026 at Andrew Rabie High School

Admissions for the 2026 school year at Andrew Rabie High School open on 15 January 2025.

How to Apply:

  • Collecting Application Forms: Forms are available at the school office from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 and 14:00.
  • Online Application Forms: Forms can also be downloaded by visiting our website, clicking on Admissions, and selecting Apply for 2026.

Instructions for Completing the Application Form:

  1. Print Clearly: Make sure your handwriting is easy to read.
  2. Complete All Sections: Every section of the form must be filled out in full for your application to be processed.
  3. No Guarantee of Acceptance: Completing the application does not ensure a place at the school.

Important: It is the responsibility of every parent or guardian to ensure their child is registered for the following year and to follow up on whether their child has been accepted.

LET WEL: Dit is die ouer/voog se verantwoordelikheid om te verseker dat u kind vroegtydig geregistreerd is by ‘n skool, asook om uit te vind of u kind aanvaar is al dan nie.

Required Documents (to be attached to the application form):

  • ID Photograph of Learner
  • Copy of Learner’s Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Learner’s Latest School Report
  • Copy of Learner’s Clinic Card
  • For Foreign Nationals:
  • Copy of Learner’s Passport
  • Copy of Learner’s Study Permit
  • Transfer Documents (if applicable)
  • Biological Father’s ID or Death Certificate
  • Biological Mother’s ID or Death Certificate
  • Guardian’s ID and Court-Appointed Letter (if applicable)
  • Father’s Payslip/Proof of Income
  • Mother’s Payslip/Proof of Income
  • Proof of Address


Application Deadlines and Notifications:

  • Applications for 2026 close on 7 March 2025.
  • Parents of accepted learners will be notified via email.

Please Note: Due to limited space, we encourage parents to apply to more than one school.

Andrew Rabie High School Admission Policy


This Admission Policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for admitting learners to Andrew Rabie High School, in accordance with the National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996), and the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996). The policy is designed to ensure a fair, transparent, and efficient admission process that aligns with national and provincial regulations.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the admission of learners to Andrew Rabie High School. The policy aims to ensure that all eligible learners are accommodated in a manner that is consistent with the principles of equity and non-discrimination.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to the admission of learners to Andrew Rabie High School. It is in line with national legislation and must be adhered to by all parties involved in the admission process.

  1. Administration of Admissions

3.1 The Head of Department (HOD) of the Eastern Cape Department of Education is responsible for overseeing the admission process at Andrew Rabie High School. The HOD may delegate this responsibility to school officials.

3.2 The School Governing Body (SGB) of Andrew Rabie High School determines the school's admission policy in accordance with section 5(5) of the South African Schools Act, 1996. This policy must comply with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the South African Schools Act, and relevant provincial laws.

3.3 The SGB must ensure that a copy of the school's admission policy is available to the HOD.

  1. Non-Discrimination

4.1 The admission policy and process at Andrew Rabie High School must not unfairly discriminate against any applicant.

4.2 Learners are admitted to the full school program, including academic, cultural, sporting, and social activities, regardless of their parents' ability to pay school fees or subscribe to the school's mission statement and code of conduct.

4.3 No learner may be denied access to the school or any of its programs due to a parent’s refusal to waive any claim for damages arising out of the learner's education.

  1. Admission Tests

5.1 Andrew Rabie High School does not administer any tests as a condition for admission.

  1. Removal from Admission Register

A learner’s name will be removed from the school’s admission register under the following circumstances:

  • Completion of Grade 12 or the compulsory school attendance period.
  • Transfer to another school.
  • Expulsion from school.
  • Death of the learner.
  1. Documents Required for Admission

7.1 Parents must complete an application form for admission and provide:

  • The learner's official birth certificate.
  • Transfer documents if the learner is transferring from another school.
  • ID Photograph of learner
  • Copy of learner’s latest school report
  • Copy of learner’s clinic card
  • FOREIGN NATIONAL copy of learner’s passport
  • FOREIGN NATIONAL copy of learner’s study permit
  • Biological Father ID book / death certificate
  • Biological Mother ID book / death certificate
  • Guardian ID book and court appointed letter
  • Proof of address

7.2 If a birth certificate is not immediately available, conditional admission may be granted, with the requirement that the birth certificate be provided within three months.

  1. Admission of Non-Citizens

8.1 Non-citizen learners must comply with the same admission requirements as South African citizens.

8.2 A learner who entered South Africa on a study permit must present the permit at the time of admission.

8.3 Illegal aliens must provide evidence that they have applied to the Department of Home Affairs to legalise their stay in South Africa.

  1. Learners with Special Education Needs

9.1 Andrew Rabie High School is committed to accommodating learners with special education needs, where reasonably practical.

9.2 If the school is unable to provide the necessary support, the learner will be referred to the HOD for placement in a more suitable public school.

  1. Age Requirements

10.1 Learners will be admitted and placed in grades according to the age norms established by the government.

10.2 Exceptions to these norms may be made in cases where it is in the best educational interest of the learner.

  1. Repetition and Progression

11.1 The norm for repetition is one year per school phase, and multiple repetitions in a single grade are not permitted.

11.2 Learners are expected to progress with their age cohort, with support provided by the school, family, and peers.

  1. School Feeder Area

12.1 Preference in admission will be given to learners residing within the feeder area, though learners outside the zone are not precluded from seeking admission.


The admission policy of Andrew Rabie High School is designed to promote equal access to education, ensure compliance with national and provincial regulations, and support the educational needs of all learners. The policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its alignment with current educational standards and legal requirements.