Skoolgeld 2024
School Fees 2024
At our school, we understand that investing in your child's education is a significant decision. That's why we take pride in offering a remarkable value proposition: our school fees are notably lower compared to other institutions, yet our commitment to providing a top-tier education remains unwavering. Our fees are determined annually through a transparent process led by the governing body, with parental input ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to enhance the learning experience. We firmly believe that quality education should be accessible to all, which is why we strive to keep our fees reasonable without compromising on the caliber of teaching and resources. By choosing our school, you're not only saving on costs but also investing in an education that surpasses expectations, ensuring your child receives the best opportunities to excel academically and personally.
Tuition Fees 2024
Single Learners: R19 800 per annum
Consisting of 11 installments of R1,800 each. The first installment of R2350, payable before school closes in 2023, or before the first day of school in 2024.
Further 10 installments of R1,800 per month from 1 February 2024 to
1 November 2024.
Families: R35 420 per annum
Consisting of 11 installments of R3220 each. The first installment of R4,320 is payable before the school closes in 2023, or before the first day of school in 2024.
Further 10 installments of R3220 per month from 1 February 2024 to
1 November 2024.
Pupils who take Consumers, CAT and/or Art as subjects pay an amount of R550 per subject, paid at an amount of R50 per month over eleven months.
An amount of R550 is payable to rent textbooks for the year 2024 and also includes the rental of the prescribed books.
Gr 8's textbook fees are included in their package fee.
Funds received at the school will be allocated first for tuition fees and then for other priorities, unless reference specifies differently.
A discount of 5% will be granted, if the full tuition fee for 2024 is settled, before or on 31 March 2024.
Please note that the above fee structure is applicable for the year 2024 and is subject to annual adjustments at the beginning of each new financial year.
By ons skool verstaan ons dat investering in u kind se opvoeding 'n belangrike besluit is. Daarom is ons trots daarop om 'n merkwaardige waarde-aanbod te bied: ons skoolgeld is merkbaar laer in vergelyking met ander instellings, maar ons verbintenis tot die verskaffing van topvlak-onderwys bly onwrikbaar. Ons fooie word jaarliks bepaal deur 'n deursigtige proses wat deur die beheerliggaam gelei word, met ouerinsette wat verseker dat hulpbronne doeltreffend toegewys word om die leerervaring te verbeter. Ons glo vas dat kwaliteit onderwys vir almal toeganklik moet wees en daarom streef ons daarna om ons fooie redelik te hou sonder om die kaliber van onderrig en hulpbronne in te boet. Deur ons skool te kies bespaar jy nie net op koste nie, maar belê jy ook in 'n opvoeding wat verwagtinge oortref om te verseker dat jou kind die beste geleenthede kry om akademies en persoonlik te presteer.
Onderriggelde 2024
Enkelleerders: R19 800 per jaar
Bestaande uit 11 paaiemente van R1 800 elk. Die eerste paaiement van R2 350, betaalbaar voor die skool sluit in 2023, of voor die eerste skooldag in 2024.
Verdere 10 paaiemente van R1 800 per maand vanaf 1 Februarie 2024 tot 1 November 2024.
Gesinne: R35 420 per jaar
Bestaande uit 11 paaiemente van R3 220 elk. Die eerste paaiement van R4 320 is betaalbaar voor die skool sluit in 2023, of voor die eerste skooldag in 2024.
Verdere 10 paaiemente van R3 220 per maand vanaf 1 Februarie 2024 tot 1 November 2024.
Leerlinge wat Verbruikers, RTT en/of Kuns as vakke neem, betaal 'n bedrag van R550 per vak, betaalbaar R50 per maand oor elf maande.
'n Bedrag van R550 is betaalbaar om handboeke vir die jaar 2024 te huur en sluit ook die huur van die voorgeskrewe boeke in.
Gr 8 se handboekfooie is by hul pakketfooi ingesluit.
Fondse wat by die skool ontvang word, sal eers vir klasgelde en dan vir ander prioriteite toegeken word, tensy verwysings anders spesifiseer.
'n Korting van 5% sal toegestaan word indien die volle klasgeld vir 2024 vereffen word voor of op 31 Maart 2024.
Neem asseblief kennis dat bogenoemde fooistruktuur vir die jaar 2024 van toepassing is en onderhewig is aan jaarlikse aanpassings aan die begin van elke nuwe finansiële jaar.