Term 3 Newsletter (September 2023)

02 October 2023

 Dear Rabie Family

I hope this newsletter finds you and your families in good health and high spirits. It has been another busy term at Andrew Rabie High School, filled with exciting events and important milestones. It is hard to believe we’re already approaching the last term!

Staff news

Swanepoel’s Swan song

We are both delighted and disheartened to announce the retirement of Mrs. Johanna Swanepoel after 22 years at Andrew Rabie. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Swanepoel, on behalf of the Rabie school community, former principals, staff and in particular the hundreds of children in whose lives she made a remarkable difference. With all her actions, activities, and projects which she undertook so enthusiastically, she has taught many children to learn even outside the classroom and inspired them to think creatively, giving them countless unforgettable experiences.

Mrs. Swanepoel’s last day was on the 31st of August. We wish her the very best.

More Wedding Bells!

On 2 September 2023 Ms. Chanel Badenhorst became Mrs Chanel Fava. On behalf of the entire Rabie family, we want to congratulate her and her husband on their marriage. We wish them a lifetime of happiness together.

70th Anniversary Celebrations

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate the school’s 70th anniversary during the month of August and helping to make the events a success! We’ve come so far in the last 70 years, and we’ll continue to provide innovative, compassionate education for years to come knowing we have so many amazing supporters helping us along the way.

ATKV Rabieratels

The Rabie Ratels had another eventful term. From conducting a very interesting and energetic assembly, to treating the teachers and raising a sum of R3576 with a civvies day, they never fail to deliver!

In a beautiful ceremony the Ratels in collaboration with the ATKV treated Mrs. Swanepoel with cupcakes and presented her with a gift.


Expectations in relation to uniform

It was Einstein who said that we cannot teach people, but instead provide conditions in which people can learn and grow. I would like to remind parents that the primary role for disciplining a child remains at home. Problems like late coming, unacceptable hairstyles, lack of work ethic and respect for teachers are all issues that can be resolved at home.

In term 4 learners will be allowed to wear their summer uniform. Please be reminded that no beanies or other multi-coloured clothing pieces are allowed. Your support in ensuring your child’s adherence to our uniform requirements is appreciated. If your child arrives at school dressed in incorrect uniform, they can expect to be sent home.

Expectations in relation to mobile phones and other electronic devices

Mobile phones and earphones are NOT allowed to be seen or used inside the building at any point during the school day.  This includes in classes and class changeover between periods. Learners are only allowed to use phones at break times if they are outside. 

We would strongly advise that learners do not bring mobile devices and electrical equipment to school as these items are not needed during the school day. We will not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings.

Sport and extra-mural activities

Most sporting and extra-mural activities concluded in term 3. We would like to thank all learners who participated in a very exciting sporting season so far. We would also like to commend the efforts of our choir learners and teachers. A special mention to our choir conductor, Ms. Venita van Wyk, for her excellent work in bringing out the best in our learners.

Our sincere gratitude goes to all parents and supporters for providing our learners with a solid support system and encouragement. Without your backing our children would not have been able to achieve the desired outcomes.

Important dates:

Please take note of the following important term 4 dates:

School reopens – 10 October 2023

2024 Budget meeting – 17 October 2023

Prize-Giving – 19 October 2023

Grade 12 Valedictory Day - 20 October 2023

School Finances

A massive concern at this stage is the enormous amount of school fees that are still outstanding. We appeal to parents to please meet their financial obligations as we as a school will simply not be able to meet our educational responsibilities to our learners. We will only be able to deliver quality education if we have the means to do so.

Please note that fees outstanding for more than 90 days will be handed over for collection in terms of section 40 of the SA School’s Act. Accounts are issued on a monthly basis. The account will reflect the amount (still) payable for the entire year. Parents should however, not wait for accounts to be sent, but continue to make monthly payments in the meantime to avoid accounts in arrears.

You are once again reminded to visit our school Website and Facebook pages for more information about our school activities. Our website is available to view at www.andrewrabie.co.za

On behalf of the Management and staff I wish you a joyous holiday break. See you in October God’s willing.

Best wishes, thank you